COVID-19 Relief Fund for Refugees

COVID-19 Relief Fund for Refugees

The World Health Organization (WHO) has declared coronavirus a global pandemic. It is affecting people all across the globe, especially those with a lack of resources. Refugees are among the most vulnerable right now and their displacement leaves them disadvantaged in many ways. 

Noomi will be donating all the funds to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR). UNHCR is the world’s leading refugee agency, providing and coordinating international relief for displaced people at every stage of their ordeal.

We want to help UNHCR prepare measures that will protect refugees, displaced people, and their host communities before, during and after this global health emergency.

But we can’t do this alone, please donate TODAY. We're in this together and we need to be there for one another. Donate here.

Here's how your donations can help the refugees:
  • $25 - Could provide mosquito nets to 84 refugee families to prevent illness and death
  • $35 - Could provide blankets and mats to 28 displaced families
  • $45 - Could provide water filters, which will provide clean water for drinking, cooking and cleaning to 18 families
  • $50 - Could provide vaccinations for 120 refugee children to protect against deadly diseases
  • $75 - Could provide all-season tents to keep 2 families safe and warm
  • $100 - Could supply 3 families with a winterization kit containing warm clothing, blankets, sleeping mats, tarps, a stove and fuel vouchers

Please donate today. No donation is too small - anything helps! It will truly make a difference in someone's life.

To donate, please click here.
For more information on UHCNR, please click here.

Please donate to help the most vulnerable right now and please share this with your family, friends, or your social channels. Your support can make a huge difference.

Have any questions? Email us at

(Note: All pictures are owned by UHCNR)
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